Ernest Shackleton’s ship, the Endurance, became stuck in Antarctic ice. Before long it was crushed, ruined.
Shackleton and his 27-man crew then spent 19 months – from January 1915 to August 1916 – rowing 800 miles to safety in tiny lifeboats, with nighttime temperatures hitting 10 degrees below zero.
沙克尔顿和他的 27 名船员在 1915 年 1 月到 1916 年 8 月期间,花了 19 个月的时间划着小救生艇,在夜晚气温低至零下 10 度的情况下,经过 800 英里的行程才终于到达安全的地方。
They were constantly frozen, soaked, hungry, and sleep-deprived.
They survived – and all of them did survive – on an occasionally captured seal and foraged seaweed.
It’s one of the most astounding survival stories you’ll ever hear.
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