I often write about learning faster and learning more efficiently as if they were the same. And in many cases, they are. If it would normally take you 100 hours to learn a subject, and by cutting waste you can get that down to 50 hours, you’ve learned faster and more efficiently at the same time.
我经常将“更快地学习”和“更高效地学习”视为同一回事。在很多情况下,它们确实差不多。如果通常需要 100 小时来学习一个主题,通过减少不必要的步骤可以将时间缩减到 50 小时,那么这意味着你同时实现了更快和更高效的学习。
But sometimes learning faster and learning efficiently don’t mean the same thing.
Consider two approaches to learning calculus. One, you take a week, and spend twelve hours a day studying. The second, you take four months, but you only spend an hour each day. You’ve invested roughly the same number of hours, so assuming you have the same knowledge at the end, the two approaches were equally efficient (In fact, the slower one is probably more efficient due to the spacing effect, but I’ll get to that later), but the one-week approach is much “faster” than the second in terms of the total time elapsed to learn calculus successfully.
You can actually map out these two dimensions of learning strategy and see the results they imply:
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