Most people have adapted to consuming low-level information on the internet. This is the equivalent of filling your car with water or eating McDonalds every meal.
In the documentary film, Super Size Me, 32-year-old Morgan Spurlock goes 30 consecutive days (from February 1 to March 2, 2003) only eating McDonald’s food. The film documents this lifestyle’s drastic effect on Spurlock’s physical and psychological well-being.
在纪录片《超大号的我》中,32 岁的摩根·斯普洛克连续 30 天(从 2003 年 2 月 1 日至 3 月 2 日)只吃麦当劳的食物。影片记录了这种饮食对他的身体和心理健康产生的巨大影响。
During this 30-day period, Spurlock ate at McDonald’s three times per day, eating every item on the menu at least once. Spurlock consumed an average of 5,000 calories per day during the experiment, more than double the recommended amount for a healthy man his age. As a result, Spurlock gained 24 pounds, a 13% body mass increase, increased his cholesterol to 230 mg/dL (6.0 mmol/L), and experienced mood swings, sexual dysfunction, and fat accumulation in his liver.
在这 30 天的时间里,斯珀洛克每天三次在麦当劳吃饭,尝遍了菜单上的每个菜品。他每天摄入大约 5000 卡路里,这比他这个年龄的健康男性推荐量高出一倍多。最终,斯珀洛克的体重增加了 24 磅,相当于体重增加了 13%,他的胆固醇水平升到了 230 mg/dL(6.0 mmol/L),还出现了情绪波动、性功能障碍以及肝脏脂肪堆积等问题。
One of the components of Spurlock’s experiment was that every time he was asked the question, “Do you want to ‘Super Size’ that?” he was required to say yes. Super-sizing means that the soda and french fries went from large to extra-extra large.
When it comes to the internet, Super-sizing is the equivalent of going from one distractive link to the next to the next to the next to the next. What originally was intended to be a quick check of the email or Facebook has now turned into a subconscious self-sabotage. The body has taken over the mind and is seeking its dopamine refuel, of which it has developed an incredibly high tolerance.
在使用互联网时,"超级增量"类似于不断点击一个又一个诱人的链接。最初你可能只是想快速查看一下邮件或 Facebook,但不知不觉中,这种行为变成了一种无意识的自我消耗。你的身体开始主导思维,渴望重新获取让人愉悦的多巴胺,而你的多巴胺需求已经变得非常高。
It took Spurlock fourteen months to lose all the weight gained during this 30-day experiment. And he had to eat extremely clean to reclaim his health...
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