Making decisions, even in areas you know relatively well, usually involves an element of uncertainty. Sometimes decisions can be made quickly, and uncertainty is acceptable or desirable. Other times, decisions are made slowly and deliberately to remove as much uncertainty as possible.
做决定的时候,即使是在你比较熟悉的领域,通常也会有不确定性。 有时候可以迅速做出决定,此时不确定性是可以接受甚至是有益的。 另外一些情况下,决策需要缓慢而慎重地进行,以尽量减少不确定性。
Once you are faced with a decision, the question becomes whether you should make it fast or slow.
Do you gather as much information as possible, knowing the process of gathering information slows you down and carries a cost? Or do you make it quickly with imperfect information?
Jeff Bezos, the founder of, considers decisions like doors. He asks himself if the decision is a one-way door or a two-way door. What’s the difference?
Once you walk through a one-way door, you can’t come back. It’s irreversible. With a two-way door, on the other hand, you can walk through, look around, and easily come back to where you started.
In a shareholder letter, Bezos wrote...
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